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Pitzer Green Initiative Committee Structure




I.       The Grant Committee

In order to receive funding, all project proposals must be submitted through the Pitzer Green Initiative Fund. Members of the Grant Committee are the representatives, managers, and voting body of the PGIF, selected by the student body. The Grant Committee is the sole authority, which receives, approves, or rejects all funding requests. Only grants approved by the Grant Committee may receive funding.


II.     Member Number and Representation

The Grant Committee shall consist of:

The Pitzer Sustainability Manager

The Environmental Senator

Four elected students

One Informal Faculty advisor


All student members shall be elected by the student body.


III.    Officers and Eligibility

The Grant Committee shall have two Co-Chair positions a Treasurer.  Co-Chairs must be students enrolled in Pitzer College. Normally, Co-Chair nominees must have previously served on the Grant Committee. The Co-Chairs shall preside over all meetings of the Grant Committee, convening and facilitating meetings according to the agenda in an efficient manner, as well as taking accurate minutes. The Treasurer shall work with the Sustainability Manager to keep accurate records of the PGIF financials and accounting information.


IV.    Terms of office

All Grant Committee members will serve for one year and for no more than two years. Elections will be held annually.  Should interruptions arise during a member’s term, due to study abroad or otherwise, mid year elections or appointments will take place.


V.     Member Application and Replacement

When student vacancies arise, an application will be released for a student body vote and/or Senate will be asked to appoint new members. (See Bottom) The faculty advisor will be invited by the grant committee. A Grant Committee member may be asked to step down due to unjustifiable absence, conflict of interest, or neglect of duties through a unanimous vote by all voting members.


VI.    Powers and voting

A â…— majority vote by the voting members of the Grant Committee is required for funding approval for a proposed grant. At least three voting members must be present at the time of vote.


VII.   Grant Committee Duties

It is the collective duty of the Grant Committee members to:

    1. Oversee the application process and make the PGIF accessible to the Pitzer student body.

    2. Review project applications and determine feasibility.

    3. Provide funding to selected applicants.

    4. Appoint one member of the Grant Committee to advise the students of each awarded project.  The advisor will serve as a liaison between the funded project and the Grant Committee.


VIII. Conflict of Interest

Grant Committee members may submit funding proposals, but may not participate in the voting process for their own proposals. Grant Committee members must state their involvement in all project proposals. Potential conflicts of interest may be determined through a majority vote between Grant Committee members.  If a conflict of interest is found, the member(s) in question will recuse themselves from voting on the concerned proposal application.


IX. Mid-Year Election Procedures

Should a vacancy on the PGIF Grant Committee arise during the academic year, it is the responsibility of the Committee to fill the position in a timely manner. Within two weeks of the vacancy, the Committee shall release a call for applications to the entire student body, which will remain open for a minimum of two weeks. After the closure of the application period, the Committee will review all applications and select a final candidate. The selection requires a ¾ vote from the remaining members of the Committee. The selected candidate will serve on the committee for the remainder of the academic year.


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